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Who are we ?
Lille European Metropolis includes 90 towns and villages and 1.2 million people. It extends across the border with Belgium, constituting a “Eurometropolis” of 2.2 million people.
- 1.2 million inhabitants (MEL)
- 2.2 million including the Belgian area
- 160,000 border crossings a day
- Youngest population in France : 35% of the population is under 25.
MEL is a Public intermunicipal cooperation authority, established by the law of the December 31st of 1966. It gathers more than one million citizens on a territory which is both rural and urban, made by big towns and by villages. The MEL intervenes in essential domains: town and country planning, culture, household waste, sustainable development, water and purification, economy and employment, public space and public road network, Europe and international attractivity, housing environment and housing, urban affairs, nature and living environment, sport, tourism, transport and mobility, accessibility for disabled people, crematoriums.
Exposition19 January - 16 March, some SundaysMusée des Moulins - Jean BruggemanFree - Guided tour upon registration on site.
AtelierSunday 19 January, 10:00Ferme du HéronOn registration
CinémaSunday 19 January, 16:30Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains
AtelierMonday 20 January, 18:00Forum des SciencesBy reservation
CinémaWednesday 22 January, 19:00Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains
Exposition22 January - 14 FebruaryAtelier 2Free admission
Conférence - RencontreWednesday 22 January, 14:30Maison de quartier Jacques-BrelRegistration on site at the opening of the site.
Permanent Delegation to the European Institutions
Lille Metropole stands at a prime spot in the heart of Europe, with undeniable assets that make it a leading player on the European stage. In 2017, Lille Metropole created the Permanent Delegation to the European Institutions to play its part in shaping thinking about the future of Europe beyond 2020.
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