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3 résultats
The most frequent searches :
- Métropole européenne de Lille
- Your daily
- Vivre à la MEL
- From nursery to university
From nursery to university
In the European Metropolis of Lille, more than 4 300 schools can host your children, historically with a significant presence of private institutions.
Before nursery schools
In France, many childcare options are available, according to your needs, your schedule and where you live : group childcare institutions or individual childcare providers.
The website (www.mon-enfant.fr) contains all kinds of general information about the various childcare options in the Lille Metropole area; you can find their contacts in the (“search” section).
Nursery and primary schools
Primary school is divided into 2 curriculums:
- nursery schools (not compulsory) can host children from 2 to 6 years old.
- primary school is compulsory at the age of 6, from the preparatory to medium courses (ages 6 to 11).
You can find all the closest public primary schools from your home on the website: www.ac-lille.fr/iae59
Secondary education
Find all the state schools which offer pupils one or more specific specialist courses: a living language (other than English, German and Spanish), and a European section, sport, music or arts subjects, one "A newcomer's guide to Lille".
Higher education
The Metropole Area offers a wide choice for higher education :
- L'Université de Lille which has three centres (Sciences et Technologies, Law and Health, Humanities ans Social Sciences),
- Polytechnic and University Federation of Lille,
- Business and management schools,
- Engineering schools,
- Specialised schools.
To access the list of all the formation avalaible in Lille Metropole, you can check "a newcomer's guide to Lille".
Education for disabled pupils
You can find all information for living with disabilities in the Lille Metropole area in the “en situation de handicap” – “Being disabled” section on www.lille.fr.
The Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) (Local Office for the Disabled) is a unique place for public services aimed at receiving, informing, guiding and accompanying disabled people. The MDPH combines all the skills needed today to provide support to the disabled and their families. More information at: www.mdph.fr.
Student fairs in Lille
Student fairs are organised every year in the Lille Metropole. These fairs are special opportunities to organise meetings with educational and career guidance professionals. They enable students to ask questions and to make career choice.
- January: Lille University Open House Days,
- April: Salons Jeunes d’Avenir (recruitment, writing CVs, meeting with professionals, etc.),
- September: Lille University Student Life Immersion Days.
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